3 Ways To Play All Of Your Old Favourite Retro Games

This is a collaborative blog post.

Gaming tech has advanced so quickly over the last decade. The next generation of consoles is pushing the boundaries of what people thought was possible in terms of graphics and the sheer size of games. New gaming trends like virtual reality and eSports are transforming the way that we play games, and in the future, it looks like gaming will continue becoming more popular than ever. Your favorite retro crossword puzzle can be just as fun on a computerized version, too, so don’t be afraid to shake it up with online gaming. It doesn’t have to be all SIMS and shoot-em-up games!

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But do you ever wish you could go back to the good old days when gaming was simple? You didn’t need to sink hundreds of hours into a massive open-world game to get to the end of it. If you’re feeling nostalgic, you might wish you could play all of your old favourites, and the good news is, you can! There are all sorts of different ways you can play retro games, so if you need to scratch that nostalgic itch, these are the best ways to find all of your old favourite games. 

Console Online Stores

Video game developers recognise the love people have for retro games and a lot of them are still available on new consoles. If you go onto the online store on your console, you can get original or remastered versions of lots of old classics. On the Nintendo Switch, for example, you can get a big collection of old SNES games. Most consoles have a big library of games from previous consoles, so why not have a look and see if any of your old favourites are available? 


If you can’t find the retro games you want on console stores, you should look for some emulators instead. An emulator is a piece of software that allows your computer or phone to run games from old consoles. You can get some great GBA emulators on Kubadownload so you can play all of the old Super Mario and Pokemon games. There are some great Sega ones available online too if you want to play some Sonic The Hedgehog. Downloading an emulator on your phone turns it into a great handheld console so you can play retro games on the go. 

Charity Shops And Second-Hand Shops

You could turn your phone into a Gameboy with an emulator, or you could just buy a Gameboy. Old consoles are made of sturdy stuff and although a lot of them were broken by the kids that originally owned them (sorry), there are still plenty of them out there in second-hand shops or charity shops. There are specialist retro gaming shops that will have a big range of old gaming hardware, but you can also stumble across these treasures in charity shops if you are patient and you search around a lot. Take a look on eBay too because you can usually find some great deals. However, you should be careful when buying online or from charity shops because there is a chance that they won’t work properly. In a retro gaming shop, they will check it all over properly but in charity shops, they won’t necessarily do that. Before buying, just ask if you can switch it on and check that it works. 


If you are feeling nostalgic for all of the games you used to play as a kid, you can still find those old classics if you know where to look.  

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