This quest begins with another limited time quest which will unlock it. That quest is as follows (all shown in the video).
1. Tap on a Sim and complete the it’s just rocket science event. REWARD 25 simoleons+10xp. 57m 8s
On completion you will get 5 simcash as a bonus reward and unlock the 4 day limited time event to unlock the space career.
The space career quest is as follows… (rewards/time taken)
1. Tap on a bed and dream of space 25 simoleons 5s
2. Tap on a sofa and read about space 25 simoleons 5s
3. Ask 3 sims about UFO sightings 25 simoleons 5s per sim (15s in total)
4. Earn 650 simoleons 25 simoleons varies
5. Tap on a park bench and look up at the sky 25 simoleons 5s
6. Complete all LlamaZoom tasks and collect rewards 25 simoleons varies
7. Tap on a sim and complete the it’s just Rocket Science event 25 simoleons 7h 36m
8. Tap on a table and apply for astronaut training 25 simoleons 5s
9. Tap on a sim and complete the Get in Shape event 25 simoleons 7h 36m
10. Complete all LlamaZoom tasks and collect rewards 25 simoleons varies
11. Tap on a table and keep filling out more paperwork (5 times) 25 simoleons 5s each time (25s total)
12. Complete all LlamaZoom tasks and collect rewards 25 simoleons varies
13. Tap on a sim and complete the Get in Shape event 25 simoleons 7h 36m
14. Complete all LlamaZoom tasks and collect rewards 25 simoleons varies
15. Tap a sim and complete the it’s just Rocket Science event 25 simoleons 7h 36m
16. Tap on a mirror and practice interview answers 25 simoleons 5s
17. Tap on a sims and complete the Get in Shape event 25 simoleons 7h 36m
18. Complete all LlamaZoom tasks and collect rewards 25 simoleons varies
19. Tap on a sim and complete the it’s just Rocket Science event 25 simoleons 7h 36m
Quest bonus reward: Rockin’ Rocket heirloom (unlocks space career).